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Document/Image Storage and Retrieval

Documentum Document Management System

Documentum, Inc

DocuServer is a document database server that gives users a commondocument repository, as well as comprehensive document managementapplications for open system computing environments. DocuServer's basictechnology includes comprehensive and secure storage and retrievalfacilities for departmental and enterprise document managementapplications. It can also interchange and manage documents residing onother host platforms, such as minicomputers and mainframes. DocuServerincludes broad capabilities for managing and controlling the documentpreparation process, as well as enterprise-wide printing and viewing. Itoperates through a graphical user interface from many types of desktopworkstations. DocuServer interfaces with existing and future documentprocessing hardware and software including printers, scanners, wordprocessors, and desktop publishers.

Language: C++
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.3

Documentum, Inc
5671 Gibraltar Dr
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Phone: (510) 463-6800
Fax: (510) 463-6850